app.engine package



app.engine.all_engine_strategies.all_engine_strategies() list[source]
Scans the ‘app/engine’ directory for Python modules that define strategy
classes, excluding base and utility modules. Each strategy class is
instantiated, checked for required methods and variables, and if
valid, added to a list with its ‘id’ attribute set to the module
name. This process dynamically discovers and validates strategy
implementations at runtime, facilitating a plug-and-play
architecture for strategies without hardcoding their


Note: Strategies must extend a base strategy class and implement all

required methods and variables as per :func: check_class_methods_and_variables criteria to be considered valid.


A list of instantiated and validated strategy class objects, each with an ‘id’ attribute corresponding to their module name. The

’BaseStrategy’ class, if found, is excluded from the returned list.

Return type:
