Strategy Creation ----------------- In GAME, strategies are automatically added to the strategy catalog through a Strategy Plug-In system located in ``app/engine``. All strategies must conform to the base class defined in ``app/engine/``, and all variables must begin with the prefix ``variable_``. For visual clarity and to facilitate understanding of the strategy and its conditions, it is recommended to include a comment with a strategy diagram at the beginning of the strategy file. You can use the platform to create the diagram. Each strategy file must inherit from the ``BaseStrategy`` class, and the file name should correspond to the strategy ID. The gamification logic is defined within the ``calculate_points(self, externalGameId, externalTaskId, externalUserId)`` method. If you need information about a user's or users' previous interactions with a Game or Task, you should define the required service and then use it within the ``calculate_points`` function. If correctly implemented, the strategy should be displayed in the ``GET /api/v1/strategies`` endpoint when you deploy the REST API. If it does not appear, then there may be an error in the file structure. **Example Strategy Implementation**: .. code-block:: python """ # noqa Diagram example: """ from app.engine.base_strategy import BaseStrategy from app.core.container import Container class SocioBeeStrategy(BaseStrategy): # noqa def __init__(self): super().__init__( strategy_name="SOCIO_BEE", strategy_description="A more advanced gamification strategy with " "additional points and penalties.", strategy_name_slug="enhanced_gamification", strategy_version="0.0.2", variable_basic_points=1, variable_bonus_points=1, ) self.task_service = Container.task_service() self.user_points_service = Container.user_points_service() self.debug = True self.default_points_task_campaign = 1 self.variable_basic_points = 1 self.variable_bonus_points = 10 self.variable_individual_over_global_points = 3 self.variable_peak_performer_bonus_points = 15 self.variable_global_advantage_adjustment_points = 7 self.variable_individual_adjustment_points = 8 def calculate_points(self, externalGameId, externalTaskId, externalUserId, data=None): # Strategy logic goes here