Source code for

import copy

from app.core.config import configs
from app.repository.task_repository import TaskRepository
from app.repository.user_points_repository import UserPointsRepository
from app.repository.user_repository import UserRepository
from app.repository.wallet_repository import WalletRepository
from app.repository.wallet_transaction_repository import WalletTransactionRepository
from app.schema.task_schema import TaskPointsResponseByUser
from app.schema.user_points_schema import BaseUserPointsBaseModel, UserPointsAssigned
from app.schema.user_schema import (
from app.schema.wallet_schema import CreateWallet
from app.schema.wallet_transaction_schema import BaseWalletTransaction
from import BaseService
from app.util.serialize_wallet import serialize_wallet

[docs] class UserService(BaseService): """ Service class for managing users. Attributes: user_repository (UserRepository): Repository instance for users. user_points_repository (UserPointsRepository): Repository instance for user points. task_repository (TaskRepository): Repository instance for tasks. wallet_repository (WalletRepository): Repository instance for wallets. wallet_transaction_repository (WalletTransactionRepository): Repository instance for wallet transactions. """ def __init__( self, user_repository: UserRepository, user_points_repository: UserPointsRepository, task_repository: TaskRepository, wallet_repository: WalletRepository, wallet_transaction_repository: WalletTransactionRepository, ): """ Initializes the UserService with the provided repositories. Args: user_repository (UserRepository): The user repository instance. user_points_repository (UserPointsRepository): The user points repository instance. task_repository (TaskRepository): The task repository instance. wallet_repository (WalletRepository): The wallet repository instance. wallet_transaction_repository (WalletTransactionRepository): The wallet transaction repository instance. """ self.user_repository = user_repository self.user_points_repository = user_points_repository self.task_repository = task_repository self.wallet_repository = wallet_repository self.wallet_transaction_repository = wallet_transaction_repository super().__init__(user_repository)
[docs] def basic_engagement_points(self): """ Provides a fixed number of points as a basic engagement reward for a user's initial actions within the gamification system. Returns: int: The fixed number of basic engagement points. """ basic_points = 1 return basic_points
[docs] def performance_penalty_points(self): """ Calculates the number of points to deduct as a penalty for performance below a certain threshold. Returns: int: The number of points to deduct. """ penalty_points = -5 return penalty_points
[docs] def performance_bonus_points(self): """ Calculates the number of additional points to award for performance above a certain threshold. Returns: int: The number of bonus points to award. """ bonus_points = 10 return bonus_points
[docs] def individual_over_global_points(self): """ Awards additional points for users who have improved their individual performance compared to their own history, even if below the global average. Returns: int: The number of additional points to award. """ improvement_points = 5 return improvement_points
[docs] def need_for_motivation_points(self): """ Provides a small point incentive for users who are underperforming both individually and globally, to motivate improvement. Returns: int: The number of points to award as motivation. """ motivation_points = 2 return motivation_points
[docs] def peak_performer_bonus_points(self): """ Rewards users who have exceeded both their individual performance and the global average, standing out as peak performers in the system. Returns: int: The number of bonus points for peak performers. """ peak_points = 15 return peak_points
[docs] def global_advantage_adjustment_points(self): """ Awards additional points to users whose performance is above the global average but have shown a decrease in their individual performance. It's designed to encourage users to strive for above-average performance, recognizing their effort amidst challenges. Returns: int: The number of adjustment points for maintaining a global advantage. """ adjustment_points = 7 return adjustment_points
[docs] def individual_adjustment_points(self): """ Rewards users who have improved their individual performance, regardless of their standing against the global average. It aims to acknowledge and encourage personal improvement, motivating users to keep advancing. Returns: int: The number of points to award for individual performance improvement. """ improvement_points = 8 return improvement_points
[docs] def create_user(self, schema): """ Creates a new user using the provided schema. Args: schema: The schema representing the user to be created. Returns: object: The created user. """ return self.user_repository.create(schema)
[docs] def assign_points_to_user(self, userId, schema: BaseUserPointsBaseModel): """ Assigns points to a user based on the provided schema. Args: userId (str): The user ID. schema (BaseUserPointsBaseModel): The schema containing point assignment details. Returns: UserPointsAssigned: The assigned points details. """ user = self.user_repository.read_by_id( userId, not_found_message=f"User not found with userId: {userId}" ) points = schema.points measurement_count = self.user_points_repository.get_user_measurement_count( userId ) # noqa: E501 start_time_last_task = ( self.user_points_repository.get_start_time_for_last_task( # noqa: E501 userId ) ) end_time_last_task = ( self.user_points_repository.get_time_taken_for_last_task( # noqa: E501 userId ) ) if end_time_last_task and start_time_last_task: duration_last_task = ( end_time_last_task - start_time_last_task ).total_seconds() / 60 else: duration_last_task = 0 individual_calculation = self.user_points_repository.get_individual_calculation( userId ) # noqa: E501 global_calculation = ( self.user_points_repository.get_global_calculation() ) # noqa: E501["label_function_choose"] = "-" if not points: if measurement_count <= 2: points = self.basic_engagement_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "basic_engagement_points" # noqa: E501 ) elif measurement_count == 2: if duration_last_task > global_calculation: points = self.performance_penalty_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "performance_penalty_points" # noqa: E501 ) else: points = self.performance_bonus_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "performance_bonus_points" # noqa: E501 ) else: if duration_last_task >= individual_calculation: if ( duration_last_task < individual_calculation and duration_last_task > global_calculation ): points = self.individual_over_global_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "individual_over_global_points" ) elif ( duration_last_task > individual_calculation and duration_last_task > global_calculation ): points = self.need_for_motivation_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "need_for_motivation_points" ) elif ( duration_last_task < individual_calculation and duration_last_task < global_calculation ): points = self.peak_performer_bonus_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "peak_performer_bonus_points" ) else: points = self.global_advantage_adjustment_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "global_advantage_adjustment_points" ) else: points = self.individual_adjustment_points()["label_function_choose"] = ( "individual_adjustment_points" ) user_points_schema = BaseUserPointsBaseModel( userId=str(, taskId=str(schema.taskId), points=points,, description=schema.description, ) user_points = self.user_points_repository.create(user_points_schema) wallet = self.wallet_repository.read_by_column( "userId", str(, not_found_raise_exception=False ) if not wallet: new_wallet = CreateWallet( coinsBalance=0, pointsBalance=points, conversionRate=configs.DEFAULT_CONVERTION_RATE_POINTS_TO_COIN, userId=str(, ) wallet = self.wallet_repository.create(new_wallet) else: wallet.pointsBalance += points self.wallet_repository.update(, wallet) wallet_transaction = BaseWalletTransaction( transactionType="AssignPoints", points=points, coins=0, appliedConversionRate=wallet.conversionRate, walletId=str(, ) self.wallet_transaction_repository.create(wallet_transaction) response = UserPointsAssigned( id=str(, created_at=user_points.created_at, updated_at=user_points.updated_at, description=user_points.description, userId=str(user_points.userId), taskId=str(user_points.taskId), points=user_points.points,, wallet=wallet, ) return response
[docs] def get_wallet_by_user_id(self, userId): """ Retrieves the wallet associated with a user by their user ID. Args: userId (str): The user ID. Returns: UserWallet: The wallet details. """ user = self.user_repository.read_by_id( userId, not_found_message=f"User not found with userId: {userId}" ) wallet = self.wallet_repository.read_by_column( "userId", str(, not_found_raise_exception=False ) if not wallet: new_wallet = CreateWallet( coinsBalance=0, pointsBalance=0, conversionRate=configs.DEFAULT_CONVERTION_RATE_POINTS_TO_COIN, userId=str(, ) wallet = self.wallet_repository.create(new_wallet) wallet_transactions = ( self.wallet_transaction_repository.read_by_column( # noqa: E501 "walletId", str(, only_one=False, not_found_raise_exception=False, ) ) for transaction in wallet_transactions: transaction.created_at = str(transaction.created_at) response = UserWallet( userId=str(, wallet=wallet, walletTransactions=wallet_transactions ) return response
[docs] def get_wallet_by_externalUserId(self, externalUserId): """ Retrieves the wallet associated with a user by their external user ID. Args: externalUserId (str): The external user ID. Returns: UserWallet: The wallet details. """ user = self.user_repository.read_by_column( "externalUserId", externalUserId, not_found_raise_exception=True ) response = self.get_wallet_by_user_id(str( return response
[docs] def get_points_by_user_id(self, userId): """ Retrieves points associated with a user by their user ID. Args: userId (str): The user ID. Returns: UserPointsTasks: The user's points and associated tasks. """ user = self.user_repository.read_by_id( userId, not_found_message=f"User not found with userId: {userId}" ) tasks = self.user_points_repository.read_by_column( "userId", str(, only_one=False, not_found_raise_exception=False ) tasks = list({v.taskId: v for v in tasks}.values()) if not tasks: response = UserPointsTasks(id=str(, tasks=[]) return response cleaned_tasks = [] for task in tasks: taskId = str(task.taskId) task.userId = str(task.userId) task = self.task_repository.read_by_id( taskId, not_found_message="Task not found by id: {taskId}" ) all_points = self.user_points_repository.get_points_and_users_by_taskId( # noqa: E501 taskId ) points = 0 if all_points: for point in all_points: if point.userId == userId: points = point.points cleaned_tasks.append( TaskPointsResponseByUser( taskId=str(, externalTaskId=task.externalTaskId, gameId=str(task.gameId), points=points, ) ) response = UserPointsTasks(id=str(, tasks=cleaned_tasks) return response
[docs] def preview_points_to_coins_conversion(self, userId, points): """ Previews the conversion of points to coins for a user. Args: userId (str): The user ID. points (int): The number of points to convert. Returns: dict: The conversion preview details. """ if not points: raise ValueError("Points must be provided") if points <= 0: raise ValueError("Points must be greater than 0") user = self.user_repository.read_by_id( userId, not_found_message=f"User not found with userId: {userId}" ) wallet = self.wallet_repository.read_by_column( "userId", str(, not_found_raise_exception=False ) if not wallet: new_wallet = CreateWallet( coinsBalance=0, pointsBalance=0, conversionRate=configs.DEFAULT_CONVERTION_RATE_POINTS_TO_COIN, userId=str(, ) wallet = self.wallet_repository.create(new_wallet) coins = points / wallet.conversionRate haveEnoughPoints = True if wallet.pointsBalance < points: haveEnoughPoints = False response = { "points": points, "conversionRate": wallet.conversionRate, "conversionRateDate": str(wallet.updated_at), "convertedAmount": coins, "convertedCurrency": "coins", "haveEnoughPoints": haveEnoughPoints, } return response
[docs] def preview_points_to_coins_conversion_externalUserId(self, externalUserId, points): """ Previews the conversion of points to coins for a user by their external user ID. Args: externalUserId (str): The external user ID. points (int): The number of points to convert. Returns: dict: The conversion preview details. """ user = self.user_repository.read_by_column( "externalUserId", externalUserId, not_found_raise_exception=True ) response = self.preview_points_to_coins_conversion(str(, points) return response
[docs] def convert_points_to_coins( self, userId, schema: PostPointsConversionRequest, api_key ): """ Converts points to coins for a user based on the provided schema. Args: userId (str): The user ID. schema (PostPointsConversionRequest): The schema containing conversion details. api_key (str): The API key. Returns: ResponsePointsConversion: The conversion details. """ points = schema.points if not points: raise ValueError("Points must be provided") if points <= 0: raise ValueError("Points must be greater than 0") user = self.user_repository.read_by_id( userId, not_found_message=f"User not found with userId: {userId}" ) wallet = self.wallet_repository.read_by_column( "userId", str(, not_found_raise_exception=False ) if not wallet: new_wallet = CreateWallet( coinsBalance=0, pointsBalance=0, conversionRate=configs.DEFAULT_CONVERTION_RATE_POINTS_TO_COIN, userId=str(, apiKey_used=api_key, ) wallet = self.wallet_repository.create(new_wallet) wallet_before = copy.deepcopy(wallet) coins = points / wallet.conversionRate haveEnoughPoints = True if wallet.pointsBalance < points: haveEnoughPoints = False if not haveEnoughPoints: raise ValueError("Not enough points") wallet.pointsBalance -= points wallet.coinsBalance += coins self.wallet_repository.update(, wallet) wallet_before_serializable = serialize_wallet(wallet_before) wallet_serializable = serialize_wallet(wallet) wallet_transaction = BaseWalletTransaction( transactionType="ConvertPointsToCoins", points=points, coins=coins, appliedConversionRate=wallet.conversionRate, walletId=str(, data={ "walletBefore": wallet_before_serializable, "walletAfter": wallet_serializable, }, apiKey_used=api_key, ) transaction = self.wallet_transaction_repository.create(wallet_transaction) response = { "transactionId": str(, "points": points, "conversionRate": wallet.conversionRate, "conversionRateDate": str(wallet.updated_at), "convertedAmount": coins, "convertedCurrency": "coins", "haveEnoughPoints": haveEnoughPoints, } response = ResponsePointsConversion(**response) return response
[docs] def convert_points_to_coins_externalUserId( self, externalUserId, schema: PostPointsConversionRequest, api_key: str = None ): """ Converts points to coins for a user by their external user ID based on the provided schema. Args: externalUserId (str): The external user ID. schema (PostPointsConversionRequest): The schema containing conversion details. api_key (str): The API key. Returns: ResponsePointsConversion: The conversion details. """ user = self.user_repository.read_by_column( "externalUserId", externalUserId, not_found_raise_exception=True ) response = self.convert_points_to_coins(str(, schema, api_key) return response