Source code for app.repository.game_repository

from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from typing import Callable

from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, joinedload

from app.core.config import configs
from app.core.exceptions import DuplicatedError, NotFoundError
from app.model.game_params import GamesParams
from import Games
from app.model.tasks import Tasks
from app.repository.base_repository import BaseRepository
from app.schema.games_schema import BaseGameResult, FindGameResult
from app.util.query_builder import dict_to_sqlalchemy_filter_options

[docs] class GameRepository(BaseRepository): """ Repository class for games. Attributes: session_factory (Callable[..., AbstractContextManager[Session]]): Factory for creating SQLAlchemy sessions. model: SQLAlchemy model class for games. model_tasks: SQLAlchemy model class for tasks. model_game_params: SQLAlchemy model class for game parameters. """ def __init__( self, session_factory: Callable[..., AbstractContextManager[Session]], model=Games, model_tasks=Tasks, model_game_params=GamesParams, ) -> None: """ Initializes the GameRepository with the provided session factory and models. Args: session_factory (Callable[..., AbstractContextManager[Session]]): The session factory. model: The SQLAlchemy model class for games. model_tasks: The SQLAlchemy model class for tasks. model_game_params: The SQLAlchemy model class for game parameters. """ self.model_tasks = model_tasks self.model_game_params = model_game_params super().__init__(session_factory, model)
[docs] def get_all_games(self, schema): """ Retrieves all games based on the provided schema. Args: schema: The schema for filtering the games. Returns: FindGameResult: A result set containing the games and search options. """ with self.session_factory() as session: schema_as_dict = schema.dict(exclude_none=True) ordering = schema_as_dict.get("ordering", configs.ORDERING) order_query = ( getattr(self.model, ordering[1:]).desc() if ordering.startswith("-") else getattr(self.model, ordering).asc() ) page = schema_as_dict.get("page", configs.PAGE) page_size = schema_as_dict.get("page_size", configs.PAGE_SIZE) filter_options = dict_to_sqlalchemy_filter_options( self.model, schema_as_dict ) query = session.query("id"), Games.updated_at.label("updated_at"), Games.strategyId.label("strategyId"), Games.created_at.label("created_at"), Games.platform.label("platform"), Games.externalGameId.label("externalGameId"), GamesParams, ) eager_loading = schema_as_dict.get("eager", False) if eager_loading: for relation in getattr(self.model, "eagers", []): query = query.options(joinedload(relation)) filtered_query = query.filter(filter_options) query = filtered_query.order_by(order_query) query = query.join(GamesParams, == GamesParams.gameId) query = query.group_by(, Games.created_at, Games.platform, Games.externalGameId, GamesParams, ) if page_size == "all": games = query.all() else: games = query.limit(page_size).offset((page - 1) * page_size).all() game_results = {} for game in games: game_id = if game_id not in game_results: game_results[game_id] = BaseGameResult(, updated_at=game.updated_at, strategyId=game.strategyId, created_at=game.created_at, externalGameId=game.externalGameId, platform=game.platform, params=[], ) game_results[game_id].params.append( { "id":, "key": game.GamesParams.key, "value": game.GamesParams.value, } ) total_count = list(game_results.values()).__len__() return FindGameResult( items=list(game_results.values()), search_options={ "page": page, "page_size": page_size, "ordering": ordering, "total_count": total_count, }, )
[docs] def get_game_by_id(self, id: str): """ Retrieves a game by its ID. Args: id (str): The game ID. Returns: BaseGameResult: The game details. """ with self.session_factory() as session: game = session.query(self.model).filter( == id).first() if not game: raise NotFoundError(detail=f"Not found id : {id}") params = ( session.query(self.model_game_params) .filter(self.model_game_params.gameId == id) .all() ) game_params = [ {"id":, "key": param.key, "value": param.value} for param in params ] return BaseGameResult(, created_at=game.created_at, updated_at=game.updated_at, externalGameId=game.externalGameId, platform=game.platform, params=game_params, )
[docs] def patch_game_by_id(self, gameId: str, schema): """ Updates a game by its ID using the provided schema. Args: gameId (str): The game ID. schema: The schema representing the updated data. Returns: BaseGameResult: The updated game details. Raises: NotFoundError: If the game is not found. DuplicatedError: If a duplicated error occurs during update. """ with self.session_factory() as session: game = session.query(self.model).filter( == gameId).first() if not game: raise NotFoundError(detail=f"Not found id : {gameId}") for key, value in schema.dict(exclude_none=True).items(): setattr(game, key, value) try: session.commit() session.refresh(game) except IntegrityError as e: raise DuplicatedError(detail=str(e.orig)) return self.get_game_by_id(gameId)