Source code for app.main

import subprocess

import toml
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.openapi.utils import get_openapi
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware

from app.api.v1.routes import routers as v1_routers
from app.core.config import configs
from app.core.container import Container
from app.util.class_object import singleton

[docs] def get_project_data(): """ Retrieves project data from the pyproject.toml file. Returns: dict: Project data from the toml file. """ pyproject_path = "pyproject.toml" with open(pyproject_path, "r") as pyproject_file: pyproject_content = toml.load(pyproject_file) return pyproject_content["tool"]["poetry"]
project_data = get_project_data()
[docs] def custom_openapi(): """ Customizes the OpenAPI schema for the FastAPI application. Returns: dict: The customized OpenAPI schema. """ servers = [{"url": configs.API_V1_STR, "description": "Local"}] extra_server_url = configs.EXTRA_SERVER_URL extra_server_description = configs.EXTRA_SERVER_DESCRIPTION print(configs) if extra_server_url: servers.append( {"url": extra_server_url, "description": extra_server_description} ) if app.openapi_schema: return app.openapi_schema openapi_schema = get_openapi( title=project_data["name"], version=project_data["version"], description=project_data["description"], routes=app.routes, servers=servers, ) for path in list(openapi_schema["paths"].keys()): if path.startswith("/api/v1"): openapi_schema["paths"][path[7:]] = openapi_schema["paths"].pop(path) app.openapi_schema = openapi_schema return app.openapi_schema
[docs] def get_git_commit_hash() -> str: """ Returns the current git commit hash, or "unknown" if not available. Returns: str: The current git commit hash, or "unknown" if not available. """ try: commit_hash = ( subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]) .decode("ascii") .strip() ) except Exception: commit_hash = "unknown" return commit_hash
@singleton class AppCreator: """ Singleton class to create and configure the FastAPI application. """ def __init__(self): = FastAPI( root_path=configs.ROOT_PATH, title=project_data["name"], version=project_data["version"], description=project_data["description"], license_info={"name": project_data["license"]}, contact={ "name": project_data["authors"][0], "email": project_data["authors"][0], }, redoc_url="/redocs", docs_url="/docs", servers=[{"url": configs.API_V1_STR, "description": "Local"}], ) = custom_openapi self.container = Container() self.db = self.container.db() if configs.BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS: CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=[str(origin) for origin in configs.BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], )"/", include_in_schema=False) def read_root(): """ Redirect to /docs return: RedirectResponse: Redirect to /docs """ return RedirectResponse(url="/docs"), prefix=configs.API_V1_STR) app_creator = AppCreator() app = db = app_creator.db container = app_creator.container